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29-11-12 --> 29th

just for my Everything...

it's hard to wait around for something you know might never happen ; but it's harder to give up when you know it's everything you want.



with love,
Ms Sotoy

i know you like someone when they're the last person you think about at night and the first person you want to say.... 
"good morning".


Father, I said till 
Death do us part
I want to mean it
With all of my heart
Help me to love you
More than I love her
Then I know I can 
Love her more
Than anyone else

And bring her in
Your presence today
Make her what 
You want her to be

I pray to hear her heart
I pray she'll love you more
I pray to cherish and serve her
And we'll bring you glory today, I pray

Father, I said till 
Death do us part
I want to mean it
With all of my heart
Help me to love you
More than I love him
Then I know I can 
Love him more
Than anyone else

And bring him in
Your presence today
Make him what 
You want him to be

Lord, help me love her
As you love the church, your bride
(Josee) Help me submit to him
As I submit to you, my life

This is my prayer Amen

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